Access Keys:



14th Mar 2018
Year 10 pupils in Down High School and Saint Patrick's Grammar School took part in...
17th Mar 2016
The Geography and Religious Studies departments have collaborated to celebrate St....

Key Stage 3 Overview

Yr8 Theme for the year - Community

Yr9 Theme for the year – Violence, conflict and peacemaking

Yr10 Introduction to Christian ethics – GCSE part 1

GCSE Overview CCEA specification

Yr11: Introduction to Christian ethics – part2 (50% taken by written paper at end of Yr11)

Yr12 The Christian churches – The Catholic tradition and one Protestant tradition (50% taken by written paper at end of Yr12). There is no controlled assessment in RS.

A-Level Overview CCEA specification

Religious ethics: principles, practice and society

Philosophy of religion



NH Martin HOD

H McGuire

N O’Hara (KS3 only)

Religious and moral education is a process in which young people engage in a search for meaning, value and purpose in life.  Religious Studies within the curriculum involves the academic exploration of beliefs, values and attitudes. Pupils study a range of religious traditions including Christianity, as well as other major world faiths.