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24th Jan 2018
Shared Education provides a useful opportunity to raise STEM awareness amongst...
2nd Mar 2016
Congratulations to the Junior Maths Challenge Team who recently represented our Maths...

Key Stage 3 Overview

All pupils in Years 8 – 10 follow the programme of study of the N. I. (Revised) Curriculum. This covers the five attainment targets of Mathematics;

  • Processes in Mathematics
  • Number
  • Algebra
  • Shape, Space and Measure
  • Handling Data.

The aim is to provide a solid foundation of knowledge and skills that will allow pupils to access the GCSE courses.

GCSE Overview

Pupils follow the CCEA modular specification. Pupils can choose to study Further Mathematics, which takes pupils beyond the content of the GCSE Higher Tier. It serves as a stepping stone into A Level Mathematics by introducing pure mathematics, mechanics and statistics topics.

Currently, our 3 year average for A*-B at GCSE Maths is 94.5%, which is almost 16% higher than the NI Grammar school average. The equivalent statistic in Add Maths is 87.9% of pupils attaining an A*-B, which is 9.3% above the NI Grammar School Average.

A-Level Overview

Students at this level build upon the knowledge, understanding and skills that they have developed in their previous studies of Mathematics. A wide range of Statistics, Mechanics and Pure Mathematics are covered, and pupils should be able to access any further education courses that require Mathematics. Pupils can also choose to study Further Mathematics which gives an excellent foundation for pupils wishing to follow Mathematics, Engineering or Science Further Education courses. Pupils studying Further Mathematics will complete their A2 Level Mathematics in Year 13 and then study the Further Mathematics modules in Year 14.



Mrs A Droogan (Head of Department)

Mr R Daniells

Mrs C Doherty

Mr D Doey

Mrs L McCully

Miss E Morris

Mrs N Wojcieszak


As S. Gudder wrote “The essence of Mathematics is not to make simple things complicated, but to make complicated things simple.” We aim to enable pupils to communicate mathematically so that they can use the transferable skills that it develops in their lives. Mathematics is used everyday; to predict weather, to tell time, to handle money, as well in many unseen areas of life. Our hope is that we pass on to our pupils our enjoyment of the subject and to show its beauty as well as its utility.

“Mathematics – the unshaken foundation of sciences, and the plentiful fountain of advantage to human affairs.” Isaac Barrow