GCSE Success for Down High Pupils
Down High School pupils arrived early at Mount Crescent on Thursday to collect their GCSE results. There was a palpable sense of delight and relief as they opened their results to reveal another very impressive collection of grades.
33 pupils gained 9 or more A* or A grades with 25 of these pupils achieving straight A* or A grades. Iona Dempsey secured 10A* grades while Jacob Bradshaw, Evie Cushnie, Abigail Elliott, Zoe Goucher, Isla Kennedy and Darragh McAllister secured 9A* and 1A. Within the year group 56.7% of all GCSE grades were A* or A grades with one hundred percent of pupils achieving A*-C grades in GCSE Maths and 99% achieving A*-C in English. One hundred per cent of pupils achieved 5 or more A* - C grades overall.
Down High School’s Principal, Mrs Maud Perry, lauded the year group for their effort levels and the impressive results they had achieved, particularly given some of the challenges faced on their educational journey.
“Once again, we are very proud of our pupils, and they are to be congratulated for their dedication and effort which firmly underpin these superb results. Like those in other year groups, these pupils have had to navigate the challenges during their time at school but have demonstrated remarkable fortitude and focus, and they should take time to enjoy the success these characteristics have allowed them to produce. On behalf of the pupils, I also thank our committed teachers and support staff whose dedication creates the environment in which the school community can thrive. We wish our new Year 13 pupils, and those who joined our enlarged 6th Form over the past few days, every success as they move into their A-Level years. Well done to all!”