Access Keys:



20th Jan 2020
A Top Historian certificate was awarded on Friday to one person from each form...
14th Nov 2019
Mr Ronnie Armour, the Head of the NI Prison Service, was the guest speaker at the...
10th Oct 2019
The Current Affairs Society got off to an incredible start this afternoon, with a...

Key Stage 3 Overview

In Year 8 pupils are introduced to the skills demanded by the study of History and as part of that, pupils investigate the history of Down High School. They also study the Normans and their impact in England and Ireland, followed by a study of the Native Americans.

In Year 9 pupils study key events in the period 1500-1900 including the Reformation, the Williamite wars, the impact of the American and French revolutions and the development of Nationalism and Unionism in Ireland.

In Year 10 pupils study the First World War, the Russian Revolution and modern Irish history.

GCSE Overview

Pupils follow the CCEA specification with a focus on Germany History, modern history of Northern Ireland and the Cold War.

A-Level Overview


The CCEA History specification is followed. At AS pupils study Russia and Germany in the interwar years. At A2 they study the clash of ideologies in Europe and Ireland 1775 – 1800.


The CCEA Politics specification is followed. At AS pupils study the politics of Northern Ireland and Britain. At A2 pupils study the American Government and a unit on political power.



 C Wood – Head of Department

 K Dawson

    Dr E Doherty

 G McKillen

 K Williamson

"To be ignorant of what happened before you were born is to remain always a child."


"Man is by nature a political animal"
